Jeevan Adhar Insurance Plan - With Profits

Jeevan Adhar Insurance Plan - With Profits

Product offered for  – Individual Person ( Male / Female) 

Policy Requirements:

Minimum Sum Assured : 500,000/-
Maximum Sum Assured : No limit ( As per Income Source)
Entry Age : 18 to 50 Years
Policy Term : 10 to 20 Years
Maximum Maturity Age : 70 Years
Rider Benefits : ADB ,MIB,PWB


Special Features:

Rebate on large Sum Assured:

Sum Assured Rebate in rate
Rs. 500000/- to 14,99,999/- 0
Rs. 500000/- to 14,99,999/- Rs. 0.40 per 1000
Rs. 500000/- to 14,99,999/- Rs. 0.50 per 1000


Policy Benefits:

1.     Survival / Maturity Benefit: 

        . During the policy term, on survival of the life assured at the end of each policy year provided the policy is inforce, 5% of the Sum Assured is payable to the life assured as survival benefits.

        . On survival of the life assured at the end of the policy term provided that policy is in force then Sum Assured minus all the previous survival benefit payments plus Accrued Bonus shall be payable as maturity benefits.

2.     Death Benefit :

Sum Assured and Accured Bonus

3.     Death Benefit due to Accident :

Additional amount equal to Sum Assured or Rs. 100,00,000/- whichever  is lower.

4.    TPD Benefit due to Accident:

Full Sum Assured is payable in 120 monthly installment, Balancing installment shall be payable  in lump sum on maturity or at death.


Other facilities:  

  • Surrender Value
  • Policy holder Loan
  • Tax benefit As per ITA,058


Approval date from Beema Samiti: 07/02/2021

Date of first policy issue: 11/02/2021